You were too boring for the duel with the computer in Joey The Passion? Want to duel with Duelist worldwide? YGOPRO is one great choice for you. So, why YGOPRO become the most player in Yugioh online game?
1/ Completely automatic
Like Joey The Passion version of Konami, all mechanisms in the game are fully automated. You will not have to spend time tossing a coin, dice, or use your calculator to add or minus as in real life, the only thing you do is concentrate on tactics, the computer will do everything for you :D do you ever forget to pick up your banished card by Gold sarcophagus Card effect, or forget to mill by effect of Lightsworn mill? or worse, bickering with your opponent on Rulings? All of that will never happen in YGOPRO.
2/ Full card and always update
YGOPRO always have the full regular updates as well as the latest Banlist or new Pack (even if the card is not public in TCG yet). That always ensure that all tactics to meet the diverse needs of the players.
In the mode single player of YGOPRO, you are going to challenge the very difficult tactical tests given in the World Championship Series. Your task is to win games in one single turn, with the condition that is already arranged by computer. It sounds simple, but in order to solve this quiz entries, requires much more sensory neuron : D
4/ Easy online multiplayer
To play online with YGOPRO extremely simple, join Multiplayer mode, click Join, wait a bit to search for an opponent and then say "Duel" :D
You choose the first link (Mirror 1: Archive) to download the game to your computer. Setup and install the game as usual, after entering the game will ask you if you want to download the latest update it? Select ok and wait for the machine to download. The first time will be quite long because there are some updates. Update is complete, build your deck and enjoy your duel :D
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